Gt spoiler

A GT spoiler-short for Grand Touring Spoiler-is an item for a type of sports car. It does so by creating more downforce rearward. Think of it as a sort of wing, one that's light and slippery aerodynamically but better yet perched above the rear decklid. It has an important role in how the car performs at speed by high pressure shoots over the roof and directs air down onto those rear weels for more grip.

    The Benefits of GT Spoilers

    The benefits are many to doing a little GT Spoiler install on your car. For starters, it makes the car handle a lot better (especially at high speeds) than stock. The plant also wants a GT spoiler installed for safety reasons -- if the back of that car starts to come around, it has been known to get very squirrelly and even difficult (if not outright impossible) for some drivers. A GT spoiler contributes to downforce at the rear wheels enhancing stability and, more importantly for sports cars -or those designed specifically for racing-, helps secure it on the road.

    Additionally, an aerodynamic GT spoiler improves fuel economy. It improves car aerodynamics by reducing drag and increase downforce, hence lowering fuel consumption. With all of this the Dual Fuel benefit, it does not only save you cash at gas stations but additionally reduces your carbon trace making a beneficial choice for those eco-friendly people.

    Why choose haosheng Gt spoiler?

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